Thx for the sub :^)
Dope ass game
about crazy ass idiots
kicking alien ass!
Wishlist on Steam!

You can but it's way better on Steam.

What is this
Genokids is a fast paced hack&slash game where a band of musicians of the same name have to defeat an alien invasion.

Unlock powerful abilities to boost your ass kicking experience!
A bizarre music band named Genokids is rocking one of their best concerts to date when The Infinite Empire of Zenodia decides to invade Earth and assimilate mankind, landing right on top of the band and ruining both their concert and mood.
AGE22BDAY30/7H173 cmW78 kg

Reckless and restless. Red is the fiery drummer of Genokids. He loves "cool stuff" like spikes and motorcycles, and is known for his lengthy motivational talks.

Though his personality can be intense, he's also kind-hearted and tends to trust others more than he should.
AGE23BDAY13/11H168 cmW71 kg

The founder and guitarist of Genokids. Seemingly reserved and aloof, Blue is a caring and stout girl that tends to overthink things to an unhealthy degree.

She is a big fan of comics and videogames, a childish side of hers that sometimes bursts out in the form of cringy one liners.
AGE27BDAY29/2H173 cmW73 kg

It appears you wish to be more knowledgeable about this enigmatic individual that so happens to be myself.
Very well then, I shall enlighten you, fellow associate, with a much needed context of my persona and occupation. I am responsible for playing the instrument known as a synthetizer which is an electronic
AGE19BDAY20/12H169 cmW69 kg

Charming and with the face of an angel, Yellow is the band's diva and bassist.

She has a fondness for all things cute, fashion, and modeling. Yet, beneath that delightful exterior lies an extremely sadistic, sassy and violent side that she struggles to keep in check.

Genokids is all about crazy, over the top action.

Blast your way through the invading forces as the most violent band in human history!

Arm yourself with the power of MOTIVATION and unleash devastating techniques to decimate your opponents!

Go beyond your limits and enter HYPER MODE!

Seamlessly SWAP between all four characters on the fly to unleash a neverending barrage of spectacular combos!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the target platforms?
We're aiming towards a Steam release (Windows, Mac and Linux), but there might be other platforms in the future.
Is the game single player or local/online co-op?
It is single player. The game was going to be co-op, but after we tested it we came to the conclusion of making it single player, which allowed us to implement the tag system to switch between the characters (More info here, inside the "Character Tag" section).
Will the soundtrack be available for download?
Yeah! We have plans to release an OST when the game is released.
What are the supported languages?
We plan to release the game in english but we would like to add more localizations.
How long will the game be?
The main campaign will be about 6 to 8 hours. We'd rather focus our limited resources on creating cool set-pieces than bloating the playtime.
Will this game launch in Early Access? What will happen to backers and those who already bought the game?
Yes. They will get access to the Early Access on Steam as soon as it's released.
Is there a way to support you?
You can by following us on social media, playing our demo and giving us feedback, helping us spead the word sharing it with your friends and the like does a lot to help us.
If you feel you want to go a step further you can check our Patreon.
Who is making this? How many?
We are two developers, an artist and a programmer, working together on Genokids since around 2019 (we've been working together since way too long ago).
99% of Music, sound effects and similar is commissioned to some talented people.
What game engine do you use?
How much will the game cost?
Between 15€ and 25€.
Will the game support gamepads?
Yes, but depending on the gamepad you will need to remap it before it works.
Can you step on your friends? (in-game)
It was a planned feature but due to the game not being multiplayer anymore, sadly, we had to abandon this idea.
Should you step on your friends?
I don't know, up to you, we don't judge.
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