Devlog #5 | Preproduction, camera improvements, parkour and next bandmate

November 15th at 9:51pm

Hey, welcome to the second entry to Genokid's blog and 5th devlog!


It was about time for us to go through our GDD and make the necessary changes to accomodate for the current gameplay style, we're hard at work writing every detail we want to include so there are no mor...

Devlog #4 | Character Tag origins, multiplayer issues and overall progress

July 11th at 1:34pm

Hey! Welcome to our first written devlog.
We've decided to switch to this format since it's way more convinient. Writing a script, asking our good friend Cameron to narrate it and then editing it took way too much time that we could've been using to work on the game. Hope this is still informative...

Devlog #1, #2 and #3

July 13th at 1:34pm